
Sunday, November 16, 2014

More new blog posts (everywhere but here)

I meant to do even more posts, but I've been down for the count with a horrible cold that felt like a combination of rhinovirus and chikunguna. Finally I'm feeling better, though weak as a kitten. Anyway, prior to the cold I wrote these:

A Gene For Violence (at Psychology Today)

How Food Is Linked to Mood (at Whole9Life)

Earlier today I put out this new post:

Sunshine and Suicide

(Yes, they are linked, but not how you think)

I'm doing a regular monthly column over at Whole9 now, which will be for a more general audience than the biochem-snark ridden curiosities I've been spewing over here since 2010. I think my next one will be about mood and FODMAPS. Let me know if there is anything interesting you want to read about there.

Here's a good song: Kooks Bad Habit.

Oh, I also finished the first draft of another sci fi novel as part of #NoWriNoMo, but the hump of starting book three plus high fever has scuttled my chances of making 50K words this month. C'est la vie. Enjoy your week!

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